What is the next iThingy?

In my previous post I suggest that you allow yourself to think outside the box. If we let ourselves go but direct our wandering brains to consider things in our life that could use and upgrade, what do we find? Just for fun lets consider things that start with “i”.

Looking around the room I see a microwave. What would apple do with that? They would create the iMeal no doubt but what would it do? Well it would not only heat food, it would freeze it as well. It would be able to prepare complete meals by having several compartments to prepare and heat things separately. It would be able to generate a grocery list and access food from the surrounding storage areas. It would have a web page so you could request meals remotely and it would keep track of your favorite things. It would combine the stove, the fridge, the microwave and the freezer into one device.

What about the toaster. I have never found one that actually works right. The iToaster would use less power, make its own bread, slice it to whatever thickness you like and toast it perfectly every time. It would provide options for toppings like peanut butter, jam, margarine or marmite (For your Aussies). The iToaster would work together with the iWave to insure that it always had what it needed to do its job.

Lets consider the iLaundry. The iLaundry would both wash and dry the clothes. It would read the labels and prevent you from shrinking your wife’s clothes. It would automatically sort clothes by color and treatment to insure a perfect clean every time. The iLaundry would be able to dry clean cloths as well as wash them and all clean clothes would be perfectly folded and sorted into piles by owner.

Next let’s consider the iGlass. It would be collapsible so you can take it anywhere. It would be battery powered and expand to hold the range of volumes. It would be able recognize liquids and heat or cool them to the appropriate temperature. If you misplace it you could use find-my-iGlass to locate it. You could download skins from the appStore to customize your iGlass.

It all sounds kind of silly but free thinking like this is how invention starts. I can’t wait to hear about what you come up with…

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